The annual AGM was held in mid January at the Strode Room. Despite a few apologies from members pretending to be busy in case they were guilt tripped into actually helping to run their own club, the turn out was still noticeable higher than at any club session in recent memory!
Compared to previous years there were less people pretending that they were going to do anything although Andrea has organised some tree cutting to happen in February. The Chairman mentioned organising an Open Day in summer. We agreed to enter a team in the Summer League and glossed over the possibility that we haven’t got enough players of suitable quality to field a team.
The main decision was that we would vote on whether to revert the days of the club sessions and as a result, cemented by a popular WhatsApp poll a few days later, the club session will now move from Friday back to Thursday. It is hoped that people will use the courts after coaching on Fridays, particularly in the summer when there are likely to be four or more participants. Apart from that there was a good spread provided by Rachel and a small amount of socialising.
The school have recently cleaned the courts and Andrea was very upset that there was mud on them and said that it was unacceptable. The Chairman pointed out that it was a school playground which the school had just paid to have cleaned.
The other day when arriving at the courts for a club session, a new coach who is working with Justin turned the lights off as Gavin and the Chairman arrived. The lights cannot be turned back on for 20 minutes until they cool down via a timer and even then do not always work. Gavin lost his shit and started shouting about how annoyed he was, taking his frustrations out on the poor coach - Fred - who knew nothing about any of it. Whilst he did apologise quite quickly Gordon was forced to placate Fred for about 10 minutes finally settling on the defence that Gavin was hungry and needed a poo. On reflection Gavin decided he was just really frustrated about the whole situation.
More specifically:
• That the coach did not know there was a club sessionand had no clue about the lights
• The aging process
• The standard of club sessions, the fact it’s always the same people, and the impossibility of being competitive in matches when the general standard is so low
Anyway enough about Gavin. He’s been to Bridport a couple of times anyway cos he thinks he’s too good for us.
Here's to another year of Tennis at Beaminster and hopefully we'll see some of you on court if we haven't put you off already!
's potential weather in Beaminster.
Wind speed:
Number of members likely to show up:
Hello! We play tennis all year round - rain or shine! New members are always welcome and we're open to all! Please feel free to turn up at any of our club sessions with no obligation to join. We'd love to meet you and play some tennis!
Sunday 10am - 1pm
Tuesday 6pm - 9pm
Friday 6:30pm - 9pm
We also offer coaching on a Friday at 5:30pm, for adult group sessions, please get in touch if you are interested.